#200 Turning 25
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
How apt that this is my 200th post and I'm writing an entry about turning 25??? Honestly, this wasn't planned whatsoever. I also realised that I started this blogging space back in 2012 - how time flies! Soon, I'll be graduating and joining the work force (hopefully). Unfortunately, still no progress on the job front. Growing up can be daunting, but I suppose there's no other way around it (yes, I'm very good at stating the obvious, ha-ha).
I got the week off to rest at home because I'm currently suffering from a tear to my right cornea. May very well be a blessing in disguise. This semester, my final semester, is totally not what I imagined it to be at all. On top of the barrage of assignments I'm facing (consequences of having no final exams), I'm also having to juggle my social life, my part time job, my family AND job hunting. Looking back, it was kind of naive to assume my final semester would be all about travelling, finding a full time job and just making do with whatever modules I have left to clear.
But I digress, this entry is supposed to be about growing up, not airing my complaints about my last few weeks as an undergraduate. As I age, I hope I can say that I've grown to be a little bit wiser. I know what battles to pick, what fights I should set aside. I've definitely learnt not to sweat the small stuff and to constantly remind myself to be grateful and appreciative of every happy moment I'm fortunate enough to enjoy. Because, nothing truly lasts forever (yes, again stating the obvious). So we need to be thankful for the great memories, but more importantly, be aware that the sucky ones will pass as well; we just have to give it time.
My hopes for personal development as I continue to grow older would be to be more vulnerable, to dare to wear my heart on my sleeve, to know that being hurt is okay as long as I know how to pick myself up and know that there are people around me that I can lean on for support. Besides that, I hope to be able to see the world more and for the people around me to always stay happy and healthy.
Alright, I'm going to end off this post now because I can't stare too long at the computer screen.
written at 13:05