#201 Exploring JB v.02
Wednesday, 13 May 2015

 Hiap Joo Bakery & Biscuit Factory 
13, Jalan Tan Hiok Nee, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

Gosh, it's definitely been a while since I've last updated this space (almost 2 months!). To summarise - the later part of my final semester turned out to be more hectic than expected, I was also semi-preoccupied with applying for jobs, I recently visited Perth and I've generally been either spending money unnecessarily or rotting at home and loving it. But for some reason, I was suddenly in the mood to blog tonight so I figured I might as well roll with it.

Just yesterday, I re-visited JB for the second time this year. I was contemplating on titling this entry "A Singaporean Guide to Exploring JB v.02", but I don't really think this qualifies as a guide? It's more of a "here's what happened" kind of entry. Oh right, just in case you're interested (here I go again, sounding so presumptuous, LOL), you can click here to read about my first visit to JB this year.

ANYWAY, please refer to the first picture of this entry (above). This, my friends, is home to one of the most amazing banana cake I've ever eaten. I try to avoid carbohydrates as much as possible seeing that I'm already obese enough as it is, but I make the exception for sushi or a really good bowl of ramen. I think I'll need to add this banana cake to my list of exceptions, ha-ha.

To be honest, I've never heard of this bakery before, but it's supposedly quite well known because there was a long queue when we arrived and most of their baked goods were sold out. So go early if you want to get your hands on their banana cake - it's moist, dense, and oh-so-heavenly. And I'm not even exaggerating.

 The Ink Brew by JWC 
No. 1, Jalan Trus, Bandar Johor Bahru 80000, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

My friend and I actually had lunch at this place that's known for their herbal roasted duck, but unfortunately I don't have any photos to show because firstly, I was starving so in my mind, I was focused on filling my empty stomach. Secondly, the place kind of looks like Geylang 126, but even more rickety. Hence, I didn't really see a point in taking photos (especially since I wasn't planning on blogging about it either). That said, if I do ever visit the place again, I'll include it in a separate entry.

The Ink Brew was where we went to after we got our paws on the famous Hiap Joo banana cake. We sort of stumbled into the place by accident because we were being mega-tourists and checking out the exhibit that was just next door. The place is pretty chill, albeit warm (LOL, irony?). Air conditioning seems to be faulty every where we go in JB. Coffee there is mediocre in my opinion, but I suppose I'll recommend the place if you want to take photos for your Instagram? Ha-ha, obviously this is only for all my other hardcore Instagram addicts out there. #pretentiousandbasic

Ending off this post with a HUGE, narcissistic photo of myself, because it's rare that I manage to take such a nice selfie and NOT have to photoshop it to death, ha-ha. I did manage to lose some weight prior to my Perth trip, but it seems like I've put it all back on once I arrived in the land down under. *sobs* Time to watch my diet and attempt to work out before flying off to JAPAN! In the meantime, do keep a look out for my next entry, most likely about my trip to Perth.


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written at 21:29