#204 Sailor Soldiers Cafe
Monday, 15 June 2015

I signed in to my blogger account, with plans on writing about my recent Japan trip, when I chanced upon this in my drafts and realised that I've yet to publish this entry, ha-ha. Above are some behind-the-scenes photos as to how we captured our pretentious-food-from-space photos to upload on Instagram.

But more background as to how this rendezvous even came to fruition. Basically, we're broke, yet we still want to be able to photograph as well as eat pretentious brunch food. At the same time, we seem to also have this delusional notion that we're all domestic goddesses (which trust me, we aren't). Hence, t' was a rainy weekday afternoon when we gathered with our groceries in an apartment at Serangoon North Estate and started wrecking havoc in the kitchen to whip out the following three dishes. I'm too lazy to post the step-by-step instructions of each dish, so PM me if you're even interested. However, it should all be pretty simple and straightforward to figure out on your own, ha-ha.

{ sailor soldiers big breakfast }
grilled 'belacan' corn, pumpkin salad, scrambled eggs, country toast, cream cheese & smoked salmon

{ pan-crepes, maple walnut butter & baked cinnamon apple slices }
failed pancakes due to lack of baking soda, failed apple pie hence left over apple slices

{ chips & guaca-salsa }
failed guacamole due to unripe avocados, hence salsa with a lot of avocado chunks


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written at 14:29