Sunday, 30 August 2015
Sunday, 30 August 2015
Wow, it's been well over two months since I've last blogged. Guess working life has really taken a toll on me. In addition to constantly feeling sleepy, all the weight I lost whilst in Japan has gradually found its way back to my body, ha-ha. However, overall, I can't really complain much about my job. I'm just still at the stage where I'm trying to find my groove at work, and commuting can be a real bitch. Other than that, I'm thankful. This VLOG was actually filmed whilst I was away on a department retreat. I know right? Working for less than two months and I get to travel with my company already, ha-ha. Anyway, I'm just dropping in to say that I'm still alive. Enjoy the VLOG - it may be a tad bit long and boring. I'll try to make my future VLOGs more entertaining!
Labels: bangkok, musings, travel, videos
written at 15:49